What Does Manned Guarding Actually Mean?
Manned security, also known as manned guarding, is a term widely used in the security industry to describe security guards who provide a physical presence and protection to properties and individuals. In this blog, we will delve into the concept of manned security, exploring the roles and responsibilities of security guards and their significance in safeguarding against criminal activities.
The Role of Security Guards
Definition and Purpose: Manned guarding refers to the deployment of security guards who act as a visible deterrent and provide protection against criminal damage, assault, and unauthorised entry. Their primary purpose is to safeguard people, property, assets, and more, depending on the specific needs and requirements of their employers.
Physical Presence and Visible Deterrence: Security guards, often uniformed by their companies, play a crucial role in deterring illegal activities through their prominent presence. By being highly visible to the public, they discourage potential wrongdoers from engaging in illegal and inappropriate activities, as the risk of detection and punishment increases significantly.
Responsibilities and Tasks of Security Guards
Property and Asset Protection: Security guards are employed to protect physical properties and valuable assets. They carry out their duties through various means, such as regular patrols, monitoring alarm systems, and observing video cameras. Their presence ensures that the designated property remains secure, and they are trained to respond effectively in case of any security breaches.
Crime Prevention and Detection: A significant responsibility of security guards is to identify signs of criminal activity and take appropriate action to prevent it. They are trained to be vigilant and observant, reporting any suspicious behavior or incidents to their supervisors or relevant authorities. By acting as the first line of defence, security guards contribute to maintaining a safe environment for individuals and businesses.
Fire and Disorder Prevention: In addition to preventing crime, security guards play a vital role in maintaining order and safety. They are trained to identify potential fire hazards and take necessary precautions to prevent fires. Furthermore, they ensure that disorderly conduct or disruptive behavior is swiftly addressed to maintain a peaceful atmosphere.
Historical Evolution of Manned Security
Transition from Watchmen to Security Guards: The term “security guard” gained popularity in the 1980s, replacing the more commonly used term “watchman.” This shift reflected a broader understanding of the role, emphasizing a proactive approach to security rather than mere observation. The term was predominantly used in the northern parts of America and was often interchangeable with “night-watchman.”
Night-Watchmen and the Need for Protection: Night-watchmen were crucial throughout America, particularly during periods of high burglary rates. As people sought ways to protect their assets, the demand for security personnel increased. Night-watchmen provided security during nighttime hours when the risk of criminal activities was higher, ensuring the safety of properties and valuables.
Application of Manned Security
Diverse Industries: Security guards can be found in various industries worldwide. They are deployed in locations ranging from local shopping centers to music venues, nightclubs, government properties, private estates, and even embassies hosting important governmental meetings. Their presence ensures the protection and security of people and assets in diverse settings.
Distinction from Police Force: It is essential to note that security guards are not members of the police force. While they work in partnership with law enforcement agencies, their primary responsibility is to protect the items or property they have been assigned. Unlike the police, they do not actively seek out crime but rather focus on fulfilling their assigned tasks.
The Difference Between Guarding and Patrolling
Guarding involves assigning individuals to a specific location to monitor and protect that area. Guards remain in a fixed position, such as a gate or entrance, focusing on their immediate surroundings to detect any unusual or suspicious activity. They often manage access control, ensuring only authorised individuals enter the area. Guards are also expected to respond to incidents within their vicinity, deterring unauthorised access or calling for additional support if needed. Their visibility serves as a deterrent to potential wrongdoers.
Patrolling, on the other hand, involves moving through an area or multiple locations to monitor and secure a broader space. Patrollers cover more ground, either on foot, in vehicles, or using other means. They inspect various locations within their route, looking for signs of trouble or ensuring everything is in order. The mobility of patrols makes them effective at deterring criminal activity, as their unpredictable presence can discourage wrongdoing.
In summary, guarding is a stationary role focused on specific areas and access control, while patrolling is a mobile operation covering wider areas to detect and deter potential threats. Both methods are crucial for maintaining security and order.
Manned security, also known as manned guarding, plays a vital role in ensuring the safety and protection of people, properties, and assets. Security guards, through their visible presence and vigilant efforts, deter criminals, detect potential threats, and maintain order. Understanding the responsibilities and historical context of manned security enhances our appreciation for their essential services.
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