3000 Property Security Birmingham offer a key holding and alarm response service, but what exactly is it?

The safety of your premises is at the forefront of our minds. You may want to pass on the responsibility of security breaches on your property into the hands of a trusted third party.
You are enabling yourself to stay protected, decreasing the risk to yourself or your employees by having a security team search the premises and making sure that the security is at a high standard and the alarm is turned off.
3000 Security have a 24-hour Control Room enabling us to oversee staff and services to ensure that everything is going smoothly, thus offering higher security.
But why should you opt for our key holding and alarm response services?
It is safe
Typically, it is the responsibility of two people to hold the keys to the premises of a business, which allows for two responders to then access the alarm should it be activated by accident or triggered by an intruder.
It offers you peace of mind
When you’re absent from the premises, either on business or on annual leave, at the forefront of your mind may be the security of your business. Similar to if you would like your residential property protected. Choosing a security company for key holding and alarm response means they will respond to an alarm and check the security of the premises, so you will not have to worry.
It is cost-effective
It is a simple and hassle free solution to use a security company to secure your business and ensure that the safety and security of your premises is kept high.
We also offer many other security services in Birmingham!